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I would like to mention that this is not an attempt at any sort of blasphemy. I just strive to bring forward a new view.
Once upon a time, long ago, there was a King, respected even by the Gods for his bravery. From his three queens, he had four sons. The eldest of his sons was a very harsh dictator and thus had to be sent to exile along with his brother. The dictator took his wife along to serve him in exile like a servant. In the same times, there was a supreme devotee of God, whos eldest son was blessed with extreme wealth, the younger ones each with extreme power, extreme comfort and extreme wisdom each. The eldest of his sons was too engrossed in his wealth to think about anything else. But his younger brother, blessed with extreme power, set forth with his brothers to rescue this women. He had her brought to his abode, by tricking the dicatator, following which a huge war was fought. Many sacrifices were made in this war, the blessed fighter lost his brothers in it, but at the end of it, the dictator was vanquished, and to this day we celebrate this event as the biggest festival of our relegion.
And the story goes on.....
We all know Valmiki's version of Ramayana. Let us for a while imagine that there was a scribe in Ravana's court too, which is a safe enough assumption.
Now, what if Ravana would have won that war, on that titsy bitsy chance, and thus it would have been our assumed Scribes Ramayana or probably Ravanayana that we might have been brought up to respect. It would have gone something like what goes above if not very different...
The point I am trying to make is this:
Lord Rama was a Great King and Worrior as our history says. incidentally he was also the winner of the War.
Lord Krishna is known to be the greatest of all times. He himself too was a part of the winning sides. Even the loosers names were changed in the modern version to "Du----" from "Su----". (Duryodhan from Suyodhan). I am pretty sure all of will agree no mother would have named her son like that.
Cut to modern history: The allies were good and hitler was a dictator: Incidentally, He lost.
In the cold war, the US was the liberal, the russians facist: Co-incidentially they too lost.
In India: The british rule was hell, and what our fighters got us today is better. Again, the british arent ruling us anymore anyway.
Take any war, somehow history tells us that the Good side won. Always.
My 23 years have taught me differently.
Thus, though they do call it history, it seems more like moral science to me for obvious reasons, and if not, probably in history, The good is synonymous with The mighty.
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