The Afghan - By Fredrick Forsyth..
The Book is the latest bestseller on the block and in typical forsyth fashion is an intriguing tale of a spy which is able to keep u rapt up for the entire journey...
But to me...there is something lackin in this one..
forsyth is definately not at his best while writing this one..
firstly...the length of the book is too short...n the pace just doesnt feel right at times...
also...the protagonist has not been given adequate attention...and the focus on the book is more on the situation that confronts the allied forces today in the middle east rather than on the characters...
The climax is also a bit sluggish and doesnt carry ne element of surprise...
But on the brighter side, the plot is a very interesting one , on the backdrop of 9/11, with the AQ plannin another coupe...the details of that plot have been well thought and researched...and it seems pretty realistic...It also alarms us of the danger the world today faces in terms of the islami fanatics..
Another important feature is that it offers an insight into the apprehension the westerners carry of the east...and the network of the counter terorrist agency established through out the subcontinent..
all in all...a good read...but not a must read...
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