Weird Thought 1: Are we humans getting so used to alarm clocks that we are evolving out of there influence and something new on the lines of "Kick on the butt" needs to be invented soon enuf to maintain the sanctimony of the institutions of days and nights....or probably we started from chimps and are now moving towards owls...blurring all the boundaries....if i m still making sense to u an alien...thats utter crap!!
Weird Thought 2: Aliens that we have come to that...most of us have read these books about them coming down and taking one of our breed to trips which sometimes turn into horny fantasies or scary beatdowns....and for those who haven't acquired the reading talents so far...u must have seen some of that in the movies....
My point here is...Are they anything else but a figment of our imagination??....i mean lets think of it the other way round...imagine we find out another planet where there is life....and boy...we sure as hell are going to run out of space on earth pretty soon...hence the need to invade there dwellings....
And against all what good old Darwin said...we assume that they look like weird contractions of us humans with a few extra limbs sticking out of weird spots...which would serve no purpose but to differentiate them from us....
nehow.. u really think we would choose as a fornicate our way into their population...(i know what some of u r thinking...NO..that is not a possibility...Go get a life !!)...or may be kidnap them to beat them to shit...i know we humans are unpredictable.....but common we are better than that...
So the fact is...probably they would come...probably they are allready here in some way....but i guess we can let the freaks at NASA think about that ....and enjoy our fantasies....though may be we cud work a little on the quality of them....
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