I often sit and wonder, because thats what headcases like me generally do.and thus...in continuation of my mundane insanity, i am at it again.....
There are so many things i have always wanted to rite about ...but somehow i never get around to doing it....probably becoz i m such a "lazybum" as someone would say...who cares..right??...
i know i have titled this one "Beyond"..and by now( if u r still reading that is)..u r wondering that what the hell is this actually about....
well....when i was giving my CAT...ya i sought to bell it too...like many other rats in the race...i had always wondered..what would it be like beyond graduation...how would life be?..i mean all the general stuff....and more...
the thing is....technically i have been in "The Beyond" for around 7 to 8 months now....so i thot may be i wud look at all the things that have happened in the Beyond......
So basically after my engineering was over....i went home for a gud summer vacation after a looong time.....put on some weight..became a little more lazy( if thats possible)...basically...,my dream sabbatical....keep ur ass put in front of the tv all day with loads of gud food served to u...n when u do manage to get around....well..u still get good food!!...
nehow...after that...i landed at this place...IMT.......and the first five days were one hell of an experience...it was the so called orientation...
basically an excuse for the seniors to enjoy at our expense...thats just a mild way of putting it...they called it the PDP(Personality Development Program)..bullshit!!
so we were supposed to wake up early..go for yoga sessions( i hated the first one so much i bunked all the rest of them)..and nehow...who wants to be put into all imaginable and some unimaginable weird positions early morning...if u cud spend the same time comfortably sleeping in ur bed......but u know..thats easier said than done....those seniors would screw my case royal in the evenings for doing so...but i guess running around the field shouting unheard off obsceneties...was definately better than waking up early.....
i always thot the teachers were a part of the conspiracy...
coz they would keep us up all day listening to their crap which most of them themselves cudnt bear!!..whatever....5 days were over...the ordeal ended with a cultural function...i was a part of it too...but thats another story....
nehow...amidst all this chaos... i had also managed to make a few friends....one of them happens to be my rommie and is after my ass right now that i have an exam tomorrow morning and i shud study...so ill continue this later...for now...bbyees...
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