Weird thought about a bookmark
I had just finished a book called Wheels, while on my way back from work, and was wondering where to put the bookmark "in" now.
I kept it aside for use in my next book, and it is then that I wondered, what would it be like, to be a bookmark.
To be in touch with so many books, for such long periods, and then part, the moment the reader is done with the book.
I believe every book would leave a certain kind of mark on it, a small scratch, a little fold, an ink mark where water had spilled on the book with the book mark in it.
How would the bookmark feel, while looking back at all it's marks it had collected over the years.
And then I wondered, isn't a book mark a lot like us??..
We meet so many people - our books, have relationships, become friends, create memories - our marks, and then move on in life, without knowing when we will come across the same books again.
Or may be a bookmark is like a philanderer, who has small - term relationships, with many women (or men at times, if you know what I mean), and then moves on, with no marks, no guilt, no feeling whatsoever. And may be someday, the reader would forget it, inside a book, and that would be the philanderer's marriage, and it will stay there forever if that book was never retrieved.
But such a bookmark, would always look anew, since it would have no marks from the books in the past.
Ans somehow, I have never seen a used bookmark, which looks anew. The marks are always there.
Weird Thought about Buses and Bathrooms
What is common between buses and bathrooms, apart from the facts that they both start with a "B", and that in both places, people are often present, sitting in a relaxed manner, and some are known to fall asleep in both places.
I figured it is the fact that I keep getting all of these weird ideas in these places only.
But you know, it might have to do with the fact that my head is idle at both these times, since one doesnt use it much while sitting alone in a bus, or well you know, at the other place :)
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