I lived in 38 different hotels, had food in more than 100 towns, covered at least 4 states, met my friends for a cumulative 24 hours, and family for 3 days, in the last 10 months. I felt really happy for a cumulative maximum of say what 3 weeks. 3 weeks in 10 months
i live 3000 kms away from my parents, and don't know where i will be next month.
Why am i doing what i am doing.
I sit on sundays, and wonder, always wonder, why?
and yet, i still do it, keep on doing it, Will keep on doing it.
What is happening to this Indian generation?
Are we compromising the little things in life which constitute happiness, for the elusive future that probably awaits us on the supposed end of this compromise.
I met a guy the other day. He lives in a small backward town with his parents. He is going to get married soon. He doesn't earn too much. Still, he parties with all his friends every weekend.
Goes back home every night!!
And honestly, he is more happy than I am.
Yet why?
which is the right path?
one question: I am running after an elusive future that i have always dreamt off, but am I loosing the present in this race.
I console myself, that this is a temporary phase. That life will soon move into that future that i Dream of.
Lets hope it does....
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