Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Silver Hawks

This chapter is going under minor changses..ill post it up next when it is completed..
for neone who is interested...the second chapter is called: The Race on the moon [:)]


  1. It was gud.

    Though if I wud have gotten the complete draft of the whole chapter more could have been said about this.

    The characters has been carved out beautifully but I hope in the later chapters there would be more descriptions about each one of them. I don't know from where U get all those character setting but I could identify one, Jake very closely to one and you must be knowing him too. U know what i mean.
    Also, the setting of the university could have been more elaborate and more upfront detailing that this univ send out letters of acceptance to this fellows and than describing this people. Making it more dramatic. :D

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. also mail me the complete draft.....

  4. why did you remove the post

    mail it to me


Care to ride along??